Sunday, March 29, 2009

Apa korang buat time "EARTH HOUR" semalam?

Aku dengan Rina pergi ke Jusco Bukit Raja untuk makan-makan dan beli kasut (padahal gaji belum masuk) semalam masa Earth Hour. Tu pun sebab kasut berjenama jual murah, jadi sambar aje. Harini gelabah korek duit.

Sangkaan kami Jusco tak turut serta dengan Earth Hour ni, tapi diorang turut serta dengan menutup lampu di bahagian tengah Jusco tersebut. Kedai di sekeliling bahagian tengah tu masih terpasang jadi tak la gelap sangat tapi masih gelap sebab nak pilih kasut tu, tak tahu warna die cokelat gelap ke camner.
Apa pendapat korang pasal Earth Hour ni? Aku ade dapat email dari seorang pembaca Mosh. Kita ikuti pendapat beliau:

Ah it is a pointless symbolic idea of some multi-million dollar company to show that they care about the environment.
I believe they are just using this to highlight people like me as those who are not concern of the environment.

If they really want to save the environment with this electricity thing, KLCC wouldn't be lighted up until 3 in the morning almost everyday. I could list all the dumb things on it but it would be too long. Consider this, most countries who will be participating in this shitty idea are placed in the bottom of the environmental list. Sweden top all of these so-called 'environmental-friendly' countries and they have implemented this idea way before this earth hour thing surfaces. I personally care about the environment but that doesn't mean I have to bow down to those intelligence-deficit CEO's idea. I have my own beliefs on how I could reduce the pollution or whatever it is. It actually sickens me that most people only do things because of popular beliefs or the trend. Believe me after this Earth Hour program, people will not even pay attention on the over-flowing current they are using. Oh and by the way, this idea has given a huge profit to the 'inventor' and caused almost billions for countries participating. I rather be in lights and not consume on plastics and papers rather than be in the dark praising myself for doing the 'right' thing.

Apa pendapat korang???

1 comment:

FastRi said...

yang pentingnya kesedaran. Aku tak nak kata dorang betul atau salah. tapi bila ada benda macam ni, insyaAllah harap-harapnya ramai yang akan sedar.benda ni bermula dari diri sendiri.tak payah nak harap orang lain, nak tunggu orang lain buat.kita buat sendiri dulu. kat rumah kita, kat ofis.sambil tu cuba bagi kesedaran pada orang2 terdekat.yang penting kesedaran.Tak ada kesedaran tak akan jadi walaupun dah berpuluh2 kali suruh/ajak. Aku sendiri tak tutup lampu pada jam tu sebab aku perlukannya terutamanya untuk anak aku. dan aku percaya aku dah cuba berjimat.Bukan untuk environment saja.tapi boleh save duit. Korang kena cabar diri korang supaya menggunakan elektrik di bawah RM20 sebulan.nanti dapat free,tak payah bayar huhu