Artwork from Kucupan Perindu zine # 2 (July 2005)

Friendship over ethic comic from Callus zine #1 (July 1999)

Newsletter (Apoqohell#2 Feb 2002)

Omnibus (Doomed in Hell ‘Ugly Punks for Sale’ July 2002)

Comic Zine (Keplank! no date)

Art Zine (Heartwork#1 no date)

Pro-printed cover with photocopied inside pages (Roots#3 March 02)

Newsprint fanzine (My Friends and the Pit #3 Jan 2006)

Metal music fanzine (Kerambit#2 (June 1999)

Skate Zine (Sandwich#4 no date)

Riot Grrrl Fanzine (Grrrl:Rebel#4 Dec 2003)

Layout from Emo-C #2 (no date)

Layout from Mosh zine #3/4 (Feb 2000)

Band interview from Holiday in the Rain zine # 3 (no date)

Columns, poem and artwork from Doomed in Hell omnibus zine (July 2002)

aedes #5 (no date)

aedes fanzine #1 (oct 1987), #3 (no date)
aihh dpt permision ke expose zine org2 lain kat sini..kang kene tembak dlm guni. hahaha! kidding2... :D
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
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